31 December 2018

New Norsca Map, version 3.00

Norsca Map, version 3.00.

There are huge number of small changes/new things on the map compared to previous version. But, also some major changes to some parts of the Norsca. Most have come from the Total War: Warhammer. Had to make some "bigger" adjustments with that, so the map would nicely look like combination of the old maps and the Total War.

Here are some new things:
  • Most roads across the Norsca are off course pretty much just bad trails. But, it was much more logical, that there was some better main roads across the land connecting the east and the west and the south and the north (for trade caravans and also armies to move). So, changed some of the trails to roads.
  • Made some big changes to Vanaheim and Helspire Mountain ranges. Decided to change those more alike with Total War map. They are now divided by valley and Vanaheim range became much smaller. Also, Helspire range became much larger as I added more mountains there (removed some valleys).
  • Big changes to Sarl Lands too. Made Trollheim Mountains - Ulfwerenar Mountains - Jotunheims more like in Total War map. This created much bigger valley between them. Everthunder Pass just became larger (not just pass, but actually wide valley).
  • Total War: Ice Tooth Mountains are now the main name of former Mountains of Thjazi, which is now the second calling name ("old" name) for this mountain range.
  • Total War: Moved The Monolith of Katam to the shoreline as in Total War. On a map found from the WFB 8th edition: Warriors of Chaos it is inland, but I decided to go with Total War here.
  • Total War: Moved Doomkeep more south.
  • Total War: Moved The Tower of Khrakk also more south, and away from mountains, as in Total War.
  • Total War: Decided to move Bay of Blades more north, based on the Total War. It is a location, not settlement, but now it is situated next to Sarl capital, which seems logical place.
  • Total War: Added SECOND Winter Pyre (different location).
  • Total War: Added Troll Fjord, Pack Ice Bay, The Naglfari Plain and Icedrake Fjord. These are not settlements, but there are main settlements on them, that can be the places found from Total War.
  • Total War: Added places like Tashnar, and Bloodfjord.
  • Total War: Added settlements of Aesling's Conclave, Bjornling's Gathering, Baersonling's Camp, Sarl Encampment, Varg Camp, Altar of Spawns, Serpents Jetty, Graeling Moot, Longship Graveyard, Frozen Landing.
  • Many thank's should be given to number of fans, that have been active about various Norsca information and places. There are number of new places found from various official sources (old, new, novels...).
  • Then there are number of new fan-based places on the map (these come from various unofficial fan-sources).
  • And finally added some details to the land. More marshes, lakes, rivers, trails...etc. Western fjords have now more "elevation" even it is hidden under the forests.
You can find the download links to actual huge maps (.jpg) from Norsca -page, but also from here:

Norsca Map, version 3.00

Norsca Map - Tribal Lands, version 3.00 

So, Happy New Year!

Norsca Map v3.00 preview by Jackdays

20 December 2018

WFRP4 - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Starter Set PDF (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 has published WFRP4 Starter Set PDF. It has 64-page guide to the town of Ubersreik and a 48-page Adventure. You can find it from DriveThruRPG.

Official Cubicle 7 News
DriveThruRPG: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Starter Set

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

06 December 2018

WFRP4 - Adventures Afoot in the Reikland (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 keeps publishing free content for WFRP4! This week they are publishing free background information / adventure seeds for Reikland. It is a supplement to WFRP4 Core Rulebook Chapter 10: Glorious Reikland. You can find it from DriveThruRPG.

Official Cubicle 7 News
DriveThruRPG: WFRP - Adventures Afoot in the Reikland

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

02 December 2018

WFRP2 - In the Name of the Law adventure

Hectorius has provided us again interesting fan-product. Adventure in a Sigmarite monastery. A tale of monks, murders, morality and also god of Law, for WFRP2 rules (but easily converted to any system you like).

You can find this adventure from WFRP2 Rules -page or from the following direct link: In the Name of the Law

28 November 2018

WFRP4 - Night of Blood (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 is on fire! They are publishing free content for WFRP4. Now comes another free adventure: Night of Blood. This is the old legendary scenario originally done for WFRP1. You can find it from DriveThruRPG.

Official Cubicle 7 News
DriveThruRPG: WFRP Old World Adventures - Night of Blood

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

24 November 2018

WFRP4 Free Downloads (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 has started to publish some free content for WFRP4. You can find Ubersreik Adventures: If Looks Could Kill and official Character Sheet from DriveThruRPG.

Official Cubicle 7 News
DriveThruRPG: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Character Sheet
DriveThruRPG: WFRP Ubersreik Adventures - If Looks Could Kill

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

10 November 2018

ZWEIHÄNDER RPG - MS Word Template (.docx) for own writing (DriveThru RPG)

Looking to write and publish your own sourcebook, adventure, professions or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Visit DriveThruRPG Grim & Perilous Library -page and checkout my optional ZWEIHÄNDER RPG MS Word Template (.docx). It's been done with permission from Grim & Perilous Studious.

DriveThruRPG: Grim & Perilous Library - MS Word Layout Template

See more information from official:

25 October 2018

ZWEIHÄNDER RPG - Warhammer Companion and Warhammer Knights & Templars (updated)

I have updated my ZWEIHÄNDER RPG Warhammer Rules. I decided to name "Warhammer Racial and Cultural Traits" document to just Warhammer Companion. It's main focus is Warhammer style rules for Species and various Cultures in the Old World (and beyond), but there are other rules especially with many Warhammer magical traditions. New version includes: some corrections, number of new rules (especially about magic), optional rules, references to new MAIN GAUCHE supplement (where it can be used) and more... To get more Warhammer world details and feeling to great ZWEIHÄNDER RPG rules. I have also made some small changes to Warhammer Knights & Templars document.

You can find these documents from following links, and from my ZWEIHÄNDER Rules -page:
ZWEIHÄNDER - Warhammer Companion, version 1.5
ZWEIHÄNDER - Warhammer Knights & Templars, version 1.5

Also remember to visit DriveThruRPG Grim & Perilous Library -page and checkout my ZWEIHÄNDER RPG Character Sheet. It is pretty simple and plain, but well organized for all the information, has some optional things and printer friendly. Works well with these rules. DriveThruRPG: Grim & Perilous Library - Character Sheet


See more information from official:

22 October 2018

Warhammer World Languages 2.0

Inspired by new WFRP4 I decided update this old document with information found from new edition (and also few things from various other sources). So, here is the new list of Warhammer World Languages 2.0 (PDF).

It features normal languages, secret languages, arcane languages (magic) and secret signs. Many languages have different calling names from different editions, but they are all there.

14 October 2018

TETSUBŌ RPG Awesome Lies Blog Interview with Daniel Fox (Awesome Lies)

Awesome Lies did interview with Daniel Fox (Grim & Perilous Studious) about their plans with TETSUBŌ - Grim & Perilous RPG. Which is very interesting new project from Grim & Perilous Studious.

See more from official Awesome Lies article

09 October 2018

TETSUBŌ Grim & Perilous RPG (Grim and Perilous Studious)

Grim and Perilous Studios are on fire! The MAIN GAUCHE supplement has just come out (or in final stages with errors) and now they have announced new rpg: TETSUBŌ Grim & Perilous RPG.

Yes, that is THE old classical (forgotten?) Warhammer setting or expansion to Far East.

Official news: Grim & Perilous Studios announces its next game: TETSUBŌ Grim & Perilous RPG 

Awesome Lies blog also has older article, Lost Warhammer: TETSUBO, about this setting. Do visit there too for more history about this one.

See more information from official:

04 October 2018

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Curse of the Vampire Coast (SEGA & The Creative Assembly)

Finally some new stuff for the Total War: WARHAMMER II . A New DLC - The Curse of the Black... No, I mean The Curse of the Vampire Coast. Lustria, vampires, restless dead, constructs, exotic beasts...etc. Interesting idea and place.

See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the official Total War Blog.

09 September 2018

Warhammer Chronicles Omnibus Coming Soon (Black Library)

The good old Warhammer World-That-Was is not gone. Black Library is publishing more Warhammer Chronicles gathering old stories together. I decided to collect here this autumns books. See more from the official links to Black Library site:

Warhammer Chronicles: Masters Of Steel And Stone Omnibus
Availabe NOW
  • Grudge Bearer by Gav Thorpe
  • Oathbreaker by Nick Kyme
  • Honourkeeper by Nick Kyme
  • The Doom of Dragonback by Gav Thorpe

Warhammer Chronicles: Gotrek and Felix Volume 1 Omnibus
  • Trollslayer, Skavenslayer, Daemonslayer & Death and Glory by William King
  • A Place of Quiet Assembly by John Brunner
  • Blood Sport by Josh Reynolds
  • Kineater by Jordan Ellinger
  • Mind-Stealer by C L Werner
  • The book also includes Gotrek & Felix Gazetteer, a guide to the characters and locations of the series.
Warhammer Chronicles: Tyrion and Teclis Omnibus
  • Blood of Aenarion by William King
  • Sword of Caledor by William King
  • Bane of Malekith by William King

And then some Blood Bowl, which is partly the same world... Well, how ever do you wan't to see it...
A Bloodbowl Anthology: Death on the Pitch Omnibus
  • Manglers Never Lose by Josh Reynolds
  • Fixed by Robbie MacNiven
  • Da Bank Job by Andy Hall
  • The Hack Attack by Matt Forbeck
  • Mazlocke's Cantrip of Superior Substitution by Graeme Lyon
  • Pride and Penitence by Alex Worley
  • The Skeleton Key by David Annandale
  • Scrape to Victory by Gav Thorpe
  • Doc Morgrim's Vow by Josh Reynolds
  • A Last Sniff of Glory by David Guymer
  • Foul Play by Andy Hall
  • Hoppo's Pies by Guy Haley

Gotrek: Realmslayer - A Gotrek Gurnisson Series (Black Library)

Gotrek Gurnisson, the greatest slayer of the World-That-Was (or not so good, as he never found his doom). This cursed and blessed slayer found his doom or destiny at the end of the world, leaving behind his loyal companion Felix Jaeger. End of story... Or is it? No, Gotrek is back! He has been resurrected somehow to the Age of Sigmar and must continue his strange journey.

This autumn Gotrek's story continues in Black Library audio drama box written by David Guymer.

Black Library Coming Soon - Gotrek: Realmslayer

25 August 2018

WFRP4 Is Finished and Released! (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 has published WFRP4 Final Version. It probably has huge amounts of corrections informed by fans during past weeks (since coming of preview version). Final Version also has detailed, artistic and just beautiful map of Reikland.

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

21 August 2018

WFRP1 - Middenheim: City of Chaos (Cubicle7)

Cubicle 7 has published WFRP1 Middenheim: City of Chaos as PDF, including the poster map. PDF is original Hogshead Publishing Edition. This is a legendary guide for one of the most iconic places of The Empire (or Warhammer) - City of the White Wolf.

DriveThruRPG: Middenheim: City of Chaos

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

05 August 2018

ENnie Winners 2018: ZWEIHÄNDER RPG wins Gold!!!

ZWEIHÄNDER RPG (Grim & Perilous Studios) won two GOLD ENnie Awards 2018: Best Game and Product of the Year. Congratulations!

See more from official ENnie Awards: http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/2018-ennie-winners

See more information from official:

WFRP1 - Marienburg: Sold Down the River in PDF (Cubicle 7)

Cubicle 7 has published legendary WFRP1 Marienburg: Sold Down the River as PDF, including the poster map. This is original Hogshead Publishing Edition.

Official Cubicle7 News
DriveThruRPG: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

30 July 2018

Important Strike to Stun Forum News!

Sad news for Warhammer community: Server Goddess, the keeper of Strike to Stun Forum, has informed us that StS Forum will be turning off the lights! And this will probably happen this year. This is very sad for the Warhammer community, which has lived LONG time in the StS.

Please read more detailed reasons for this decision from the StS: The future of StS: Eventually turning off the lights...

29 July 2018


If you didn't notice already Cubicle7 has published WFRP4 "Preview" version for Pre-orders. It is pretty much final product, but I think there will be many corrections still coming before it goes to printing. PDF does features final graphics, and I think all the rules are there... So, pretty much everything is there. And it looks good. Warhammer community blogs & sites will probably soon publish many reviews.

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

21 July 2018

WFRP4 Preview - Magic (Cubicle7)

And more WFRP4 previews from Cubicle7: Magic. Magic (Arcane and Divine) always has important role in Warhammer world (even setting may not be "high magic"). Unstable, yet important power. Both players and their enemies need their spells. WFRP4 provides pretty good amount of spells. And system seems simple and with it's career-system probably works pretty well, when creating different magic-users. But, Warhammer setting is also very unique how the magic works and hopefully new system has addressed some of these things too (example: Are there penalties, when one tries to learn multiple Lores? Are there different bonuses, if you are College Wizard compared to Renegade Wizards or just Hedge Witches...etc).

See more from official site. Link below:

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

13 July 2018

WFRP4 Preview - Fate and Fortune, Resilience and Resolve (Cubicle7)

More WFRP4 details from Cubicle7: WFRP4 Fate and Fortune, Resilience and Resolve. Fate and Fortune part is pretty familiar from previous editions. Resilience and Resolve are mental and physical drives and resistance. They seem to be points to resist/defy penalties for a moment.

See more from official site. Link below:

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

ZWEIHÄNDER RPG - News (Grim And Perilous Studios)


First: ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG Forum is moving away from Strike To Stun Forum. New location is https://www.reddit.com/r/grimandperilous.

Second: ZWEIHÄNDER RPG and Grim and Perilous Studios are nominated for ENnie Awards 2018 (The Gen Con EN World RPG Awards official blog)! They are nominated for BEST GAME and PRODUCT OF THE YEAR (and you can also support them as FAN FAVORITE PUBLISHER). See more from official GrimAndPerilous site.

See more information from official:

06 July 2018

WFRP4 Preview - Class and Career (Cubicle7)

More WFRP4 details from Cubicle7: WFRP4 Classes and Careers. WFRP4 Careers are now organised into eight Classes (Academics, Burghers, Courtiers, Peasants, Rangers, Riverfolk, Rogues, Warriors). Core Rulebook will feature 8 Careers on each Class giving total 64 Careers. Interesting detail is, that each career now features 4 levels (or Tiers). So, now you can stay in the same career and move forward gaining new set of skills & talents, OR move to second career gaining new set of skills... and so on.

Careers are pretty "normal" basic set, featuring pretty much the normal WFRP starting careers. Future products will probably detail more various countries and Warhammer races and their careers. This is sad, because it will take time to get these more special careers. It would have been nice to have little more special careers to the start. Another thing is Advanced Careers - they seem to be gone now, as WFRP4 careers have 4 levels.

See more from official site. Link below:

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

01 July 2018

Ulrika the Vampire: The Omnibus (Black Library)

More cheerful summer reading? Black Library continues their Warhammer Chronicles and is publishing grim and perilous adventures of Ulrika the Vampire from The World That Was. Former "girlfriend" of famous Felix Jaeger, and daughter of Kislevite hero and noble, lives now halflife of a vampire.

The Chronicles will include:
  • Bloodborn by Nathan Long
  • Bloodforged by Nathan Long
  • Bloodsworn by Nathan Long

Black Library: Ulrika the Vampire: The Omnibus

21 June 2018

WFRP4 Preview - Characteristics (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 has a new preview of the WFRP4 rules - Characteristics. Characteristics (or stats or abilities) are in this edition following: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Initiative, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Willpower and Fellowship. So, pretty much familiar set, except coordination is divided to Agility and Dexterity (maybe even Initiative). The logic there is solid. But, this still leaves open one more Characteristic - Perception. Where is that? It would be logical Characteristic to connect various skills, like Survival, Tracking and Awareness. And also this way could be one of the higher Characteristics to Animals and Beast for example. Or is the Initiative now connected to that (intuition what happens around you and awareness)? Well, you can see more from official site. Link below:

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

Rune Expansion, version 2.0

Rune Expansion (v2.0) for each WFRP version. Some people noticed that the documents were gone - well, they are back again! Nothing new really, but updated new document with some new graphics and design. Rules can be found from the page dedicated to the system you use (sidebar), or you can use links below:

04 June 2018

Mathias Thulmann: Witch Hunter (Black Library)

Need some summer reading? Black Library continues their Warhammer Chronicles and is publishing Mathias Thulmann: Witch Hunter from The World That Was. Exploits of one of the Empire's most zealous and feared witch hunter.

The Chronicles will include:
  • Witch Hunter by C L Werner
  • Witch Finder by C L Werner
  • Witch Killer by C L Werner

Black Library: Mathias Thulmann: Witch Hunter

31 May 2018

Total War: WARHAMMER II - May 31st Updates (SEGA & The Creative Assembly)

Remember, that today Total War: WARHAMMER II will be updated. And there will be huge amount of updates:
  • DLC: The QUEEN & the CRONE
  • FREELC: Alith Anar
  • FREE UPDATE: Resurgent Update, which will feature:
    • Norsca (finally), with updates
    • Dwarf Update
    • New Units
    • Campaign Features
    • Sword of Khaine
    • 30th Anniversary Regiments of Renown Added
    • ... See more information from the official patch notes (link above)

See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the official Total War Blog.

WFRP4 Preview - Combat (Cubicle7)

Cubicle7 is giving us more information about new WFRP4 rules. Here are some details about combat mechanics. It will feature Advantages (new "bonus" system), Critical Hits, Fumbles, Hit Locations...etc.

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

24 May 2018

Happy Birthday Kalevala Hammer!

Happy Birthday this site! Another year has passed. Site is now 11 years old. Many interesting Warhammer RPG things happened past year and also going on - WFRP4 rules coming soon, ZWEIHÄNDER RPG rules already here & expanding, Total War:WARHAMMER becoming larger and larger, and there are other games connected to Warhammer too. Even Age of Sigmar is developing. So, Warhammer seems to be very much alive, which is nice.

Then, let's not forget why this site is here - huge thanks to all who visit this site (and probably are fellow Warhammer fans). Thank you.

Cheers J

20 May 2018

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Epic Saga of Wulfrik (SEGA & The Creative Assembly)

Total War: WARHAMMER II is soon publishing DLC, which will bring the Norsca and the Norse finally to WARHAMMER II -setting (among other things). Official Total War Access has published The Epic Saga of Wulfrik as free eBook. Well, its not really that much BOOK, than just a small tale, but either way - Wulfrik is one of my favorite characters in the Warhammer setting. So, check out his epic saga. You can read the story, if you have Total War account.

Official Total War twitter update about Wulfrik's Saga

Official Total War Access

See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the official Total War Blog.

19 May 2018

WFRP4 - System Preview (C7)

Cubicle7 has started to publish some information about the new WFRP4 game. Here's their latest news about it from their official site about the game mechanics:

See more information from Official Cubicle 7:

02 May 2018

Pre-Orders Open for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition (C7)

UPDATED. The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition pre-order opens this week! Read all about it from official Cubicle7 News. There is also some small hints about the new version. Especially notes about the actual game mechanics (the use of d100 system) is interesting...

Information about the different products:
  • WFRP4 Rulebook: The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook contains everything you need for grim and perilous roleplaying adventures in the Old World. PRE ORDER – Delivery of PDF scheduled for June 2018 and hardcover book July 2018. Price: £44.99 / $59.99
  • WFRP4 Rulebook - Collector's Limited Edition: The Collector’s Limited Edition comes presented in a beautiful, magnet-sealed box. The cover of the rulebook is leather-effect, embossed with a gorgeous Warhammer sigil. The pages are gilt-edged, and the book comes complete with cloth bookmarks. Included in the box is a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. This a must for any Warhammer collector! PRE ORDER – Delivery of PDF scheduled for June 2018 and boxed hardcover book July 2018. Price: £89.99 / $119.99
  • WFRP4 Starter Set: The perfect introduction to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, this boxed set includes an introductory scenario designed to teach you how to play, beautiful character portfolios, a guide to the town of Ubersreik and two ten-sided dice. PRE ORDER – Delivery of PDF scheduled for August 2018 and boxed set September 2018. Price: £22.99 / $29.99

See more information from Official Cubicle 7: