23 December 2016
12 December 2016
It Always Rains in Nuln: Surprise Interview with William King!
Warhammer Fantasy fan-society is active! Xathrodox86 has managed to get surprise interview from legendary William King! For me this person is very important Warhammer writer, as he started the classical Gotrek & Felix -saga (see more from my timeline project about them). Besides Gotrek & Felix stories, he has written many other stories also, not featuring Warhammer. You can see more about his works from his official site (link below). But, first check out Xathrodox86 interview from his great site It Always Rains in Nuln:
An early holiday present: surprise interview with William King!
William King Official Site
An early holiday present: surprise interview with William King!
William King Official Site
09 December 2016
Awesome Lies - Retro musings on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Gideon has decided to set up a new blog for posting WFRP material and related thoughts. It's focus is first edition. He has posted there a WFRP conversion of the classic D&D adventure Night's Dark Terror. This is very interesting product featuring also new rules, like Animism and Spirits. And more articles seems to be coming, like Lost Warhammer: Tetsubo.
AWESOME LIES | Retro Musings on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
and more discussions on Strike to Stun forum.
AWESOME LIES | Retro Musings on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
and more discussions on Strike to Stun forum.
28 November 2016
Rune Expansion
- New runes (both Master and normal). Also runes will feature the multiple rune rule, that was used in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th Edition: Dwarfs.
- Anvil of Doom rules
- Holy Rune Items rule (inspired by Gotrek's Axe)
- Mighty Rune Artefact rule (inspired by items like Ghal Maraz)
- Bestiary: Rune Guardian
WFRP1 Rune Expansion Rules
WFRP2 Rune Expansion Rules
WFRP3 Rune Expansion Rules
WFRP3 Rune Expansion Cards
25 November 2016
Blood Bowl - The Game of Fantasy Football is back!
Starting teams features Reikland Reavers (humans from the Empire), The Gouged Eye (Orcs) and Skavenblight Scramblers (Skaven). See more about team details from the official site.
There is also Blood Bowl Death Zone: Season 1 gaming supplement. This book will feature details about 7 new teams (including those Skaven mentioned) and many other interesting rules to expand the game.
See more info from official site Blood Bowl - The Game of Fantasy Football
and from the Games Workshop Shop: Blood Bowl & Death Zone: Season 1.
19 November 2016
Total War: WARHAMMER - Realm of The Wood Elves DLC
"To outsiders, the forest realm of Athel Loren is a brooding and malicious place. The creak and groan of living wood echoes from its dim interior, the canopy seems to absorb all light, and half-seen spirits dart between the twilit bowers. To enter is to place your fate in their hands… " -text taken from the official site
The Wild Hunt, begins! The Wood Elves are ranging forth from Athel Loren... Realm of the Wood Elves, available 8th December 2016.
Total War: WARHAMMER - Realm of the Wood Elves - Announcement Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War. Also from official Steam Total War: WARHAMMER.
The Wild Hunt, begins! The Wood Elves are ranging forth from Athel Loren... Realm of the Wood Elves, available 8th December 2016.
- New Wood Elves Race in the Grand Campaign
- New additional Race-specific currency: Amber
- Wonder-based Campaign victory condition
- Wood Elves may conquer any region on the map
- Two New Playable Legendary Lords: Orion and Durthu
- Two new Lord types with deep-specialisation skill trees
- Three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
- Comprehensive Wood Elves army roster
- Adds an additional campaign map to the game with the unique ‘Season of Revelations’ Wood Elves story Campaign
- New Unique Monsters, Heroes, Magic and Game Features
Total War: WARHAMMER - Realm of the Wood Elves - Announcement Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War. Also from official Steam Total War: WARHAMMER.
14 November 2016
WFRP2 Tome of Dragons
Tome of Dragons (version 1.5) is here! New Dragon sub-species, corrected many typos, added some new rules...etc. Document itself features different sub-species, five age-categories (with stats), new rules for Breath Weapon, magic, magic-items and Undead Dragons.
New versions and updates
07 November 2016
30th anniversary of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, part II
Couple of fans have reminded in the Strike to Stun forum about various blogs covering good old Warhammer stuff. As it is 30th anniversary of WFRP you might be interested to see these blogs and articles (if you haven't done that already).
It Always Rains in Nuln is just a great blog, with full of nice articles. In this linked article we got interview of legendary Graeme Davis himself.
Realm of Chaos 80s is just blast from the past. Part of Old Hammer.
It Always Rains in Nuln is just a great blog, with full of nice articles. In this linked article we got interview of legendary Graeme Davis himself.
Realm of Chaos 80s is just blast from the past. Part of Old Hammer.
01 November 2016
WFRP2 Liche
This time it's the dreaded WFRP2 Liche (version 1.5). This document has Liche Template and Undead Gifts to create custom Liches. But, it also has two example Liches (Tomb King and Lich Priest), Knowledge about Nehekhara Magic, Magical Item and actual Rituals needed for creating a Liche.
29 October 2016
WFRP2 Old World Animals
I have made now revised version of Old World Animals (version 2.0). It has animals from small Lizards to huge Polar Bears, from Songbirds to Eagle, from Mako Shark to huge monstrous Squid. Besides animal-stats, there are some other rules. For this version I have corrected some "mistakes" and added few details.
25 October 2016
WFRP2 Elementalism is back!
I start with old Elemental documents. I have made new document titled WFRP2 Elementalism (version 1.5), which connects information from old Elemental Magic and Elemental Bestiary documents.
15 October 2016
Total War: WARHAMMER - The King and The Warlord DLC announcement!
"The time is nigh for Clan Angrund to reclaim Karak Eight Peaks from the Grobi despoilers! Belegar Ironhammer, clan leader and direct descendant of King Lunn, the last Dwarf to rule the ancestral hold, has inherited a bitter legacy of hatred and resentment. Even now he marshals his throng, making ready to strike out from Karak Izor. With the spirits of his fabled ancestors returned to fight by his side, Belegar will see his oaths fulfilled, and pass into legend himself.
Meanwhile Skarsnik, the self-proclaimed Night-Goblin warlord of Karak Eight Peaks, has taken leave of the hold. On a squig-hunting excursion in the Grey Mountains east of Brettonia, he operates from his base at Karak Azgaraz when word reaches him of Belegar’s intent. Worse still, the tricksy Goblins minding Karak Eight Peaks have taken the hold in defiance of Skarsnik’s iron will. Intolerable, sneaky, mutinous gits!
Two legends, then: both hell-bent on claiming the ancient Dwarf-Hold for themselves. Their destinies entwined, The King and the Warlord must face one another in a final, desperate battle to determine the true ruler of Karak Eight Peaks." -text taken from the official site
The King & The Warlord is the second Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Greenkins and The Dwarfs, it introduces famous rival characters, new iconic units and new battle maps from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your Grand Campaigns and Custom/Multiplayer battles.
Total War: WARHAMMER - The King & The Warlord Cinematic Announcement Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War. Also from official Steam Total War: WARHAMMER.
Meanwhile Skarsnik, the self-proclaimed Night-Goblin warlord of Karak Eight Peaks, has taken leave of the hold. On a squig-hunting excursion in the Grey Mountains east of Brettonia, he operates from his base at Karak Azgaraz when word reaches him of Belegar’s intent. Worse still, the tricksy Goblins minding Karak Eight Peaks have taken the hold in defiance of Skarsnik’s iron will. Intolerable, sneaky, mutinous gits!
Two legends, then: both hell-bent on claiming the ancient Dwarf-Hold for themselves. Their destinies entwined, The King and the Warlord must face one another in a final, desperate battle to determine the true ruler of Karak Eight Peaks." -text taken from the official site
The King & The Warlord is the second Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Greenkins and The Dwarfs, it introduces famous rival characters, new iconic units and new battle maps from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your Grand Campaigns and Custom/Multiplayer battles.
- Two new Legendary Lords: Belegar Ironhammer and Skarsnik
- …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
- Two new additional Lord types: Runelord and Night Goblin Warboss
- Six all-new battlefield units
- 22 all-new elite Regiments of Renown
Total War: WARHAMMER - The King & The Warlord Cinematic Announcement Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War. Also from official Steam Total War: WARHAMMER.
05 October 2016
30th anniversary of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!
This is the year, when Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay becomes 30 years old! And it might be one of these autumn days (October), when that happens. Maybe someone remembers the exact date - I don't. Most important - it is still here, and it is still one of the most legendary and best RPG worlds ever.
Wikipedia: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Wikipedia: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
01 October 2016
Warhammer Old World Computer and Console Games
Mordheim: City of the Damned -official site
Mordheim: City of the Damned -steam
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide -official site
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide -steam
Man O' War: Corsair -official site
Man O' War: Corsair -steam
17 September 2016
WFRP2 Optional Character Creation Rules: Races and Regional Options, version 1.0
- Racial Characteristics for Humans (Civilized), Humans (Barbarian), Dwarfs, Elves, Halflings (Civilized), Halflings (Savage - yes, there are savage Halflings in the Warhammer World), Gnomes and Ogres.
- Optional Talents/Traits, that can be taken during the character creation, which gives options to advantages and disadvantages. Example: Now you can create Beautiful/Handsome character, OR Ugly character.
- Then I have tried to collect ALL the cultural options around the Warhammer World for races mentioned above. Some huge places (like Grand Cathay) could have served more detailed provincial profiles, but that would have required much more information and another project. Then some places are officially mystery (like Khuresh), so I have created optional rules about people living there. You also find some "forgotten" options too, like for example Civilized Albionese or Kislev Wheatlands Colonists.
- I have used official and unofficial documents and tried to keep information very much same. Example: I use Wood Elf cultural profile from the Defenders of the Forest (WFRP2 fan-sourcebook) and have created all the other Elven cultural profiles based on that one.
- Besides all the above, document features few other optional rules, like Home Environment and Size Level.
25 August 2016
Congratulations ZWEIHÄNDER team! The Kickstarter got 1,265 backers pledged and collected amazing $61,743.
See more information from:
Official Kickstarter
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
See more information from:
Official Kickstarter
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
Total War: WARHAMMER - The Grim and the Grave DLC
"Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.
But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.
Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.
The Grim and The Grave."
-text taken from the official site
The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.
Total War: WARHAMMER - The Grim and the Grave Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War.
But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.
Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.
The Grim and The Grave."
-text taken from the official site
The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.
- Two new Legendary Lords: Volkmar the Grim, the Grand Theogonist and Helman Ghorst, Necromancer
- …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
- Two new additional Lord types
- Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
- Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
- 18 elite Regiments of Renown
Total War: WARHAMMER - The Grim and the Grave Trailer
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official Site: Total War.
10 August 2016
ZWEIHÄNDER - A Grim & Perilous RPG: Obskures.de Interview with Daniel Fox
Obskures site has a interview with Daniel Fox from the ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG.
You can find the interview here.
See more information from:
Official Kickstarter
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
You can find the interview here.
See more information from:
Official Kickstarter
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
02 August 2016
WFRP2 Career Expansion, version 2.2 (WFRP2)
New version of WFRP2 Career Expansion. This document features:
- Over 60 new careers (both basic and advanced)
- Over 40 new Talents & Traits (to expand the new careers even more)
- More rules and careers about different Entertainers
- Careers for many Knight and Templar orders
- Huge amount of Dwarfen careers (including their nobility, knights and priesthood)
- Martial Arts rules and careers
- Expanded Wizard Career Rules
- New spells
- and more...
- Corrected tons of grammar
- Fixed some details from couple of careers
- Changed Expanded Wizard Career Rules little
- And added few other things...
27 July 2016
The Kickstarter is officially live! And it has reached it's first goal under six hours! I can only say - congratulations. I am a fan, so this is very exciting.
You can find the Kickstarter here.
See more information from:
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
You can find the Kickstarter here.
See more information from:
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous site
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
14 July 2016
Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen DLC
"Something stirs in the deep dark forests of The Old World. Between the twisted trunks, the Beastlords grow restless with an all-consuming battle-thirst. They gather to them great Warherds of barbarous, bestial fiends, forged in the Time of Chaos; dark amalgams of human intelligence, animal cunning and raw, reckless ferocity." -text taken from the official site
Beastmen campaing pack is coming 28th of July! It includes:
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official site: Total War.
Beastmen campaing pack is coming 28th of July! It includes:
- New Beastmen Race in the Grand Campaign
- Two new playable Legendary Lords
- New "An Eye For An Eye" Story Campaign
- Hordes of New Unique units, monsters, heroes, magic and game features.
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official site: Total War.
13 July 2016
ZWEIHÄNDER - A Grim & Perilous RPG is finally complete!
Yes, it is finally complete! Just go and see more from the official site: ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG is finally complete!
Also in the same news, there is a new preview about magic, which covers both arcane and divine.
See more information from:
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
Also in the same news, there is a new preview about magic, which covers both arcane and divine.
See more information from:
Strike to Stun Forum
Official ZWEIHÄNDER - Grim and Perilous Facebook
11 July 2016
Sorcerers of the South & Cannon and Gunnes
You can find these documents from WFRP2 Rules -page or from the following links:
Cannons and Gunnes WFRPG 2nd Ed v2
Sorcerers of the South
04 July 2016
Total War: WARHAMMER - Blood for the Blood God DLC
"The Old World is riven by countless battles fought. Now experience the carnage in technicolour glory with the arrival of the Blood for the Blood God DLC!" -text taken from the official site.
Did you taught that the war could not get anymore bloody? Think again. New DLC is available!
See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official site: Total War.
17 June 2016
Warhammer Quest: New Adventues in the Old World (Fantasy Flight Games)
The Old World is not dead. Thanks to few fine game-makers it still lives (as it always lives in the hearths of us fans...). Fantasy Flight Games has published Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game. Now the game gets couple of iconic new expansions: Witch Hunter and Troll Slayer.
See more information from Fantasy Flight Games News: Witch Hunter and Troll Slayer.
06 June 2016
Some changes with WFRP3 cards
27 May 2016
Warhammer - The End Times - Vermintide: Drachenfels (Fatshark)
See more information from the official site: Vermintide and even more from the Drachenfels.
For background info see also Lexicanum: Constant Drachenfels
24 May 2016
"It is an age of endless conquest, thousands of warriors clash in titanic battles as entire races wage war on one another, each led by a formidable hero seeking dominion over the world." -text taken from the official site
Total War: WARHAMMER has launched! There seems to be some early server issues, but it is here. See more info from official Total War Twitter and from the Official site: Total War.
Total War: WARHAMMER - Join the Battle 360° Trailer
Happy Birthday this site!
08 May 2016
Chaos Dwarfs
02 May 2016
Warhammer Graphic Novels Collection
Black Library is now publishing series of Boom! Studios comics about Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000. These were originally published like a decade ago, but are now available again. Available both ebook and paperback.
Warhammer Graphic Novel Bundle Includes:
Damnation Crusade by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
Forge of War by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
Blood and Thunder by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
Condemned by Fire by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
Exterminatus by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
Crown of Destruction by Kieron Gillen
Fire and Honour by Graham McNeill
10 April 2016
Total War: Warhammer #6
is an age of endless conquest, thousands of warriors clash in titanic
battles as entire races wage war on one another, each led by a
formidable hero seeking dominion over the world." -text taken from the
official site
As the release date approaches, more and more these updates seem
to come. This is off course one of my favourites – Northmen. As the name says,
this game play presents the forces of the Chaos Warriors. We got Chaos
Marauders units, Chaos Giant, Hellcannons…
See more information from the Official site: Total War
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