30 November 2017

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition News! (Cubicle 7)

Cubicle 7 has finally given announcement on their official site about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition - A Grim World of Perilous Adventure! The release date of WFRP4 will be about mid-2018. So, it will still take some time. But, on the other hand - if it is done well (not rushed job), all the better. Their official news about the coming releases include some really beautiful cover artwork.

See more from the official site: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition News

21 November 2017

It Always Rains in Nuln (blog): Grimvember 2017 is here! It's time for an interview with Clint Lee Werner!

Hopefully you did notice that Xathrodox86 has interview with legendary C.L.Werner himself! If you didn't link to that is here!

C.L.Werner is one of my favorite Warhammer writers, with some real grim & perilous stories. Check out the interview, he tells more about his legendary heroes.