The Dwarfs are back! We already got sourcebook about Orcs and Goblins, so it was about time to get (updated) WFRP4 sourcebook about the Dwarfs. And with that we are finally getting sourcebooks about species. Next the Elves I think? Well, let's leave Elves and check out the Dwarfs now.
WFRP4 Dwarf Player's Guide
What we have here:
- First - Graphics are just amazing. Like usually. Some old pictures, some new ones.
- Book starts with history and timeline. Timeline is not the one we had on Dwarfs - Stone and Steel (WFRP1 sourcebook). It is the new official one, that was on Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
- Information about their realms (Karaz Ankor), life, politics, even about Norse Dwarfs.
- Then the actual Dwarfs. From beards to clans to Grudges to Dwarf diet.
- Dwarf characters and careers. This is always interesting. Names, places of origin, about Khazalid… etc. Then we finally get to Skills and Talents based on your origin. Not every hold or place is given here, but most of the major ones. And then careers.
- Careers: Some of the careers from the Core Rulebook are modified to be better suitable for Dwarfs. Interesting way to handle them changing more or less the original career and giving options. There is even options for the Slayer Career. And then the NEW careers: Brewer, Doom Priest, Forge Priest, Hearth Priest, Hammerer, Ironbreaker (this one superseded the one published before), Karak Ranger (this one superseded the one published before), Runescribe, Runesmith and Thane.
- Priests are back. WFRP1 they had powers, WFRP2 they didn’t. Warhammer Online presented strange Rune Priest... And now we have Rune Priests. They have limited Runes, which is interesting twist.
- New Skills and large number of new Talents.
- Grudges.
- Weapons, Armour, Tools, Artillery, Steamcraft, Skycraft, Watercraft.
- Runesmithing, famous Rune weapons, and nice list of various Runes (finally). Runes are divided to familiar categories (weapon, armour…etc.) and there are normal Runes and master Runes (no Levels on Runes). But where are the temporary Runes?! They are mentioned multiple times, but no rules. Temporary Runes would be good ability for the both Priests and Runesmiths now. Well, easy fix. Just make each SL test about 10 minutes long (not week). And can only be used once.
- And then information about all the Ancestor Gods.
Every chapter has huge number of details and good information, so I don’t even try to list everything here. Great book.
See more information from Official Cubicle 7: