24 May 2015

Happy Birthday this site!

 Happy Birthday this site! Kalevala Hammer is now eight years old.

This site started originally in web address http://www.freewebs.com/kalevalahammer on 24th May 2007. Little less than five years later, on 14th January 2012, web address changed to http://kalevalahammer.webs.com. On 2nd April 2014 site moved to its current web address. So, ever since 2007 Kalevala Hammer -site has served the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay community.

And a lot has happened. When site started, people were still talking about Storm of Chaos. WFRP2 was still "new". As was WFB7. Then WFRP2 official line ended and came WFRP3. Also came WFB8. Now WFRP3 official line has ended too (and it seems that official WFB8 also). There was final issue of legendary Warpstone Magazine, that has served the community for ages. And then came The End Times and the Warhammer world was destroyed...

There are much rumours about the future of Warhammer. Probably there will be a new version of WFB, but what type of game will that be? And, what kind of a world will be there? Will there be WFRP4? Well, all these remains to be seen.