This page is dedicated to host english versions of Tilean Expansion based fan-products. Even I was consulted about the maps, full credit belongs to different persons and I'm just the host here. Check more info from these maps & documents.
Tilean Maps
Geographical Tilea, version 2.07 (.jpg)Great Tilean map by Aenthondiel. I'm hosting English version, but original Italian version can be found from his site (seen in the map and found from my Links page)

Political Tilea, version 1.13 (.jpg)
Great Tilean map by Aenthondiel. I'm hosting English version, but original Italian version can be found from his site (seen in the map and found from my Links page)

Tilean Project Documents
Tilean Diary (.pdf)
Tilean based calender created by Daniele Castagnino for La Locanda delle due Lune and translated by Michael Dowling. Very nice work.
Liber Fanatica - Tilea: Spears of the Maiden (site)
Also check great fan-sourcebook about Tilea from the Liber Fanatica site.
Tilean based calender created by Daniele Castagnino for La Locanda delle due Lune and translated by Michael Dowling. Very nice work.
Liber Fanatica - Tilea: Spears of the Maiden (site)
Also check great fan-sourcebook about Tilea from the Liber Fanatica site.