14 July 2015

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: A Grim World of Perilous Adventure

As the new Warhammer: Age of Sigmar has come and the old Warhammer is just wasted, comes to mind, will the old Warhammer survive? I hope the old Warhammer somehow survives and lives with the help of it's fans. Hopefully some new gamers (both RPG and WFB), and fantasy readers will find it in the future too and become interested.


There are three decades of good stuff written and a huge amount of knowledge, rich history and background stories to be used in games (novels, three editions of WFRP, eight editions of WFB, other games, White Dwarf magazines, Warpstone magazines, fan-stuff...etc). Also, I especially hope that the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay survives these radical changes.

More about Warhammer history, see also my WFRP history -page.